Game silent hill
Game silent hill

game silent hill

Sadly also later entries in the franchise but I lose track. The atmosphere, scenery and ideas were quite amazing and many games tried to copy the formula. It mastered to create an uneasy feeling of dread with fear of what might be lurking in the darkness, fog or unknown. In comparison with Resident Evil it is more psychology horror with a deeper atmosphere. Together with the Resident Evil franchise it made the survival horror genre a household name. Together with the Resident Evil franchise it made the survival horror genre a It is a cult classic of its time and a really influential game. It is a cult classic of its time and a really influential game. Even now the effects of this groundbreaking game can leave you on the edge of your seat, and though it isn't an easy game to find (unless, of course, you're able to buy it on PSN, which I haven't checked to see if it's available), you should definitely consider it.

game silent hill

Also, though many may complain about the difficult controls, I think they helped add to the experience and desperation of certain situations. The game resembles a psychological, nightmarish experience as perfectly as a game can - and the crappy graphics of the late 90s helps with this effect. It's like a well-shot movie and a nightmare at the same time, and, though the mysteries are explained in later games, I was never completely sure what the hell was going on in the town in the first place prior to my playing of other sequels.

game silent hill

I started with Homecoming, which wasn't really all that great, and then I figured I should start from the beginning and work my way forward - so I found it online, bought it, and found myself successfully freaked out. Before I played this game I thought things like Dead Space and/or Resident Evil games were freaky, then I figured it was about time I played Silent Hill games. Nothing I've played on the Xbox 360 or PS3 or ANYTHING made today has had the same effect on me that this has. To this day I've never played anything this frightening or uneasy feeling, and I'm a horror game fanatic. To this day I've never played anything this frightening or uneasy feeling, and I'm a Without a doubt, the best horror game in existence.

game silent hill

Without a doubt, the best horror game in existence.

Game silent hill